By Cadence Alexia


Rawleo a go go..........ot oh spaghettio

My recent stint of some comfy nights in a lovely hotel, followed by some long circus days in Brussels exploring new things and being Korean Cadence, was more than slightly tainted I'm afraid. My utter dismay about the lack of my own coconut oil fueled frying pan kinda pissed on my sweet potato chips.

I really tried my best when we ate out to go high protein and fat, low carb. The following is an example of the best I could do. ot oh spaghettio. Doesn't look good does it.

I made my peace with the sugar filled sticky sauce all over the pork skewers, I scraped most of it off. I didn't eat the prawn crackers. The egg was the first thing to go down, I wanted to ask for ten more. I didn't eat the rice............until it sat in front of me for ages looking all tasty, while everyone talked and drank coffee, I got bored of looking at it and tasted a bit. Then tasted the rest. It tasted really good actually.

by the fourth night I gave up, hungry and tired, I went to town on pizza with everyone else, like my life depended on eating my own body mass in dough.  Fuck it.

Lesson learned, hungry belly is less painful than a wheat belly. I felt like I gained 5 kilo over night. I was totally lost and defeated by this point.

During the daytime, I just picked at stuffs between training. Stuffs like Dark chocolate, goji's and cocoa beans, fruit, veg, raw chocolate, macadamia and such. It's looking rather chocolate heavy isn't it, and rather carb heavy, maybe not the healthiest of training diets, but it was all I could get my paws on.

I was psyched when I found a good organic deli one lunchtime and got ham and veggies, I gulped down 300g of beenham in ten seconds. Hell - o Pro - tein!

But, I can't live on ham and veg everyday, I was totally craving for steak.  

Basically, Rawleo a go go sucks. I've hit a brick wall. My cortisol levels are freaking out just thinking about it.

What's a circus kid to do? Looks like I might get really skinny really soon, not good circus flyer skinny, more like Nicole Richie circa 2007 skinny. not. cool.

When I got home I hugged my frying pan for a while, and wanted to lay myself flat on top of the oven and tell it how much it meant to me. I went straight to the Eko plaza and resisted my urges to kiss every member of staff. I went to my favorite organic butcher and wanted to ask him to be my husband and take me away to his farm forever more (He'd have totally said yes). 

Then, to the kitchen, to make up for lost time..............

Lamb and veggies
beef and veggies
sweet tatties in coconut oil
chicken and vegges

more lamb
shit loads of beef and veggies
Obviously not all on the same day, but I could have managed it!!

Since I got back I've been pondering (and sulking) about how the hell I'm going to get the best of both my worlds, I want to be a circus superkid and travel far and wide, to do that and stay super I have to eat well, it looks impossible right now.  I've taken for granted being a circus superkid with kitchen.

Can I have my steak and eat it?? That's the question, I'm a bit scared of the answer.

A recent eureka moment happened last week, it made me feel a whole lot better in an instant. Me and a hungry circus boy went to the wok and go, I realised if I picked my meat, and veg, and asked them to hold off on the sauce, rice or noodles, you got a paleo dinner!! Bon apetito! 

When I asked for no sauce, rice or noodles the counter girls eyebrows nearly flew off the top of her head in surprise, well, I say 'eyebrows' they were actually two black felt tip lines where her eyebrows once stood, anyway, eventually they subsided and she agreed. I resisted the urge to ask the chef to use the coconut oil that lives in my bag.

Glimmer of hope for the future, however small it may be. let's hope every town has a wok and go. Let's hope someone has some good ideas about how to do this on the run.

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